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Zircom has brought the NHS Benchmarking Network's CVDPREVENT National Audit Report to life for three consecutive years, detailing the results of a pioneering national study into the UK's leading cause of death.
We worked with NHS and Publish Health England to design the annual audit report for CVDPREVENT - a national program dedicated to helping prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD).
The report visualised the complex data behind the results, promoting accessibility to clinicians, patients and stakeholders. As a clinical priority and the UK's leading cause of death, the NHS has identified CVD as the single most significant condition where lives can be saved over the next 10 years.
The annual report uses data compiled by the National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network (NCVIN) to support better policy-making decisions by Public Health England and NHS England.
Due to its high complexity and importance, accuracy and attention to detail were crucial to the success of this report.